Cat in cinema seat with popcorn, watching the screen

The 10 best cat movies of all time

A gentle purr, a curious gaze, and suddenly, the screen comes alive. With captivating stories and endearing characters – Welcome to the enchanting world of cat-themed movies! Cats have always held a special allure for people, and they have also become stars on the silver screen. From animations to comedies to adventure films, these movies have captured the hearts of cat lovers around the globe.


We present a handpicked selection of the best cat movies of all time.

Dive into a sea of meows, paw prints, and pure magic as we navigate through this unique list. From the classics to the contemporary, these films celebrate the beauty, mystery, and charm of our feline friends. So, grab your popcorn, curl up with your furry companion, and get ready for a cinematic journey like no other!

“The Aristocats” (1970)

The AristoCats 1970 Trailer | Disney on Youtube

This classic Disney animated film deserves a spot on the list for its delightful characters. Memorable songs, and charming story that appeals to both children and adults. It captures the essence of elegance and adventure with its aristocratic feline protagonists, making it a beloved cat-themed movie.

“A Street Cat Named Bob” (2016)

A Street Cat Named Bob Official Trailer on Youtube

This movie deserves a place on the list for its heartfelt portrayal of the transformative friendship between James Bowen, a struggling musician, and a stray ginger cat named Bob. This inspiring film highlights the healing power of love and companionship. It is emphasizing the profound impact that animals, especially cats, can have on our lives. Through captivating storytelling and genuine performances, “A Street Cat Named Bob” reminds us of the remarkable connections we can form with our feline friends. As well as the positive change they can bring.

“The Cat Returns” (2002)

THE CAT RETURNS | Ghibli Fest 2022 Trailer on Youtube

Directed by Hiroyuki Morita and produced by Studio Ghibli. This enchanting Japanese animated film transports viewers into a whimsical world of cats. With its stunning visuals, imaginative storytelling, and lovable characters, it captivates audiences of all ages. The movie’s cat-centric narrative and the exploration of a magical Cat Kingdom make it a standout cat-themed film.

“Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” (1993)

Homeward Bound – The Incredible Journey (1993) Trailer on Youtube

Although featuring both cats and dogs, this heartwarming adventure film earns its place for its endearing portrayal of a sassy cat named Sassy. The movie follows the remarkable journey of two dogs and a cat as they navigate challenging landscapes and face dangerous obstacles in their quest to find their owners. It teaches valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and perseverance.

“That Darn Cat!” (1965)

That Darn Cat! (1965) Trailer on Youtube

This delightful comedy mystery film showcases the escapades of a clever and mischievous cat who aids in solving a kidnapping case. With its lighthearted humor, entertaining plot twists, and the endearing bond between the cat and the human characters, it remains a beloved cat-themed movie that guarantees laughter and suspense.

“Kedi” (2016)

Kedi – Official U.S. Trailer on Youtube

This captivating documentary provides an intimate look into the lives of street cats in Istanbul, Turkey. It offers a unique perspective on the relationships between cats and the city’s residents, showcasing how these feline creatures bring joy, companionship, and a sense of community to the people around them. “Kedi” stands out for its beautiful cinematography and heartfelt storytelling, making it a must-watch for cat lovers.

“Puss in Boots” (2011)

Puss in Boots (2011) Trailer on Youtube

Stemming from the beloved “Shrek” franchise, this spin-off movie centers around the iconic feline character, Puss in Boots. With its swashbuckling adventures, witty humor, and charismatic performances, it adds depth to the beloved cat and allows him to shine in his own captivating story. “Puss in Boots” combines action, comedy, and a touch of fairy tale magic to create an entertaining cat-themed film.

“The Secret Life of Pets” (2016)

The Secret Life Of Pets Trailer on Youtube

This animated movie deserves its place on the list for its imaginative and entertaining portrayal of the hidden lives of our beloved pets. With the inclusion of Chloe, a sarcastic and sassy tabby cat, the film adds feline charm and humor to the mix. This vibrant animated adventure comedy captivates younger audiences while reminding us of the joy and companionship our pets bring to our lives, even when we’re not looking.

“A Cat in Paris” (2010)

A Cat in Paris Movie Trailer on Youtube

This French animated film presents a captivating story of a cat’s double life as a pet and a thief’s accomplice in the bustling city of Paris. With its stunning hand-drawn animation, noir-inspired visuals, and a touch of mystery, it offers a unique perspective on the feline world. “A Cat in Paris” stands out for its charming characters and its ability to blend adventure, crime, and moving moments in a beautifully crafted tale.

“Oliver & Company” (1988)

Oliver & Company Trailer on Youtube

“Oliver & Company” (1988) deserves its place on the list for its endearing portrayal of a charming orange tabby kitten named Oliver and his journey through the streets of New York City. This beloved animated film captures the spirit of friendship, adventure, and the longing for belonging, creating a memorable and enchanting experience for audiences of all ages.

Did we miss your favorite cat movies?

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